I’m paranoid about backups and I have good reasons for that. I’ve tested many open source tools for automatic backup available for linux, but none of them fulfilled all my requirements.
I liked Déjà-Dup a lot, but it wasn’t able to abort a backup once the destination directory (portable hdd) wasn’t present (or rather: it did abort, but tried to prepare a backup anyway, consuming some cpu on the way). Second thing about Déjà-Dup I didn’t like is that it divides backup files into 5 megabyte archives — opening a directory containing 20 gigabytes of such archives takes a while (I understand the reason for such small volumes is handling Amazon S3, but for local backups it makes no sense), and finally, Déjà-Dup can’t make automatic backups more often than once a day (did I mention I’m a bit paranoid?). However, Déjà-Dup integrates with Gnome very nicely, and since it uses duplicity as a backend, I was able to come up with a simple script fixing all the problems in a couple of minutes.
DATE="/bin/date +%R-%d-%m-%y"
BACKUP_COMMAND="$DUPLICITY --exclude=/media/backups --exclude=/home/piotr/.cache --include=/home/piotr --exclude=** --no-encryption / file:///media/backups --volsize=250 --archive-dir=/home/piotr/.cache/deja-dup"
# Sanity checks
if test -z "$BASH" ; then
printf "$DATE \n$BACKUP_SCRIPT:$LINENO: please run this script with the BASH shell\n" >&2
exit 192
if test ! -x "$DUPLICITY" ; then
printf "$DATE \n$BACKUP_SCRIPT:$LINENO: the command $DUPLICITY is not available - aborting\n" >&2
exit 192
# Create an incremental backup if the portable drive is connected
if test -d /media/backups ; then
printf "\n\n\n\n\n`$DATE` \nBacking up!\n-------------------------------------------------\n"
printf "`$DATE` \n$BACKUP_SCRIPT:$LINENO: portable drive not connected - aborting\n\n" >&2
exit 192
# Cleanup
printf "`$DATE` Files backed up successfully\n-------------------------------------------------\n"
exit 0 # all is well
The best way is to first configure Déjà-Dup according to your needs, then copy
the duplicity command it uses while backing up (it’s visible in STDOUT
you set an environment variable DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1
), paste it into the script,
tune it (I’ve changed the volume size), and simply put it to crontab
this way it’s easy to control how often your backups are done.
Feel free to use the script if you need it, and if you’re better in unix scripting than I am (and I believe you are), send me any improvements and/or comments.